Joel has $20. He needs a calculator that costs $12 and some notebooks that cost $2 each.

Part A: Write an inequality that can be
used to find the number of
notebooks,n, that Joel can
afford to buy.

12+2n ≤ 20

***PART B: What is the graetest possible
value of n? Show your work and
explain in words how you
determined your answer.

subtract 12 from both sides

2n ≤ 8

now divide both sides by 2 to get your answer.


To find the greatest possible value of n, we need to solve the inequality 12 + 2n ≤ 20.

Let's subtract 12 from both sides of the inequality:
12 + 2n - 12 ≤ 20 - 12
2n ≤ 8

Now, let's divide both sides of the inequality by 2:
2n/2 ≤ 8/2
n ≤ 4

Therefore, the greatest possible value of n is 4.

To determine the greatest possible value of n, we first isolate the variable by subtracting 12 from both sides of the inequality. This gives us 2n ≤ 8. Then, we divide both sides of the inequality by 2 to solve for n, obtaining n ≤ 4. This means that Joel can afford a maximum of 4 notebooks with the given amount of money.