the title of this worksheet is Ternary Nomenclature: Acids and Salts

I just want to make sure that this is right:

Name of Acid: hydrobromic acid
Formula of Acid: HBr
Name of Anion: bromide

I think it is because I googled these.
But, just in case...

yes, correct. Bromic acid would have been HBrO3.

Bromic acid is a ternary acid, Hydrobromic acid is a binary acid.

To verify the accuracy of your answers, let's break down the process of determining the name of an acid and its formula, as well as the name of the anion.

1. Name of Acid: hydrobromic acid
To determine the name of an acid, you need to identify the anion (negative ion) it contains. In this case, the anion is bromide (Br-). To name the acid, you should remove the -ide suffix from the anion and replace it with -ic, then add the word "acid" at the end. Therefore, the name of the acid is indeed hydrobromic acid.

2. Formula of Acid: HBr
When determining the formula of an acid, you consider the hydrogen ion (H+) and the anion. In this case, the anion is bromide (Br-). The formula of the acid is therefore HBr since H+ combines with Br- to form hydrobromic acid.

3. Name of Anion: bromide
The anion, as mentioned earlier, is bromide (Br-). So, your answer for the name of the anion is correct.

To confirm your answers, you can cross-reference them with reliable sources such as chemistry textbooks or reputable educational websites. Googling the information is a good approach, but it's always important to double-check using reliable sources for accuracy.