In Aristotle's system of classification, which two animals would be grouped together

(A)segulls and lizards
(B)seals and bats
(C)snails and butterflies
(D)whales and fish

In Aristotle's system of classification, animals were grouped together based on their shared characteristics and traits. Aristotle primarily categorized animals based on their method of reproduction.

Taking the given options:
(A) seagulls and lizards - Seagulls are birds, which reproduce by laying eggs, while lizards are reptiles, reproducing by laying eggs as well. Although both seagulls and lizards lay eggs, they do not belong to the same category in Aristotle's system.

(B) seals and bats - Seals are mammals that give live birth, while bats are also mammals but reproduce by giving birth to live young. Since they both fall under the category of mammals, seals and bats would be grouped together in Aristotle's system.

(C) snails and butterflies - Snails are gastropods, which belong to the mollusk phylum, while butterflies are insects belonging to the arthropod phylum. These two animals have distinct characteristics and reproductive methods, so they would not be grouped together in Aristotle's system.

(D) whales and fish - Whales are mammals that give live birth, while fish are aquatic vertebrates that lay eggs. Since their reproductive methods differ, whales and fish would not be grouped together in Aristotle's system.

Therefore, based on Aristotle's system of classification, the option (B) seals and bats would be grouped together.