what is the opposite of a stalactite



The opposite of a stalactite is a stalagmite.

To understand why, it helps to know the difference between a stalactite and a stalagmite. Stalactites and stalagmites are mineral deposits that form in caves. Stalactites hang down from the ceiling of the cave, while stalagmites rise up from the ground.

The difference in formation is due to the way water and minerals flow in a cave. Stalactites form when water containing dissolved minerals drips from the roof of a cave. Over time, the water evaporates and leaves behind a deposit of minerals, which builds up to form a stalactite.

On the other hand, stalagmites form when the mineral-rich water drips from a stalactite and falls to the ground. The water evaporates, leaving behind mineral deposits that gradually accumulate and build up a stalagmite.

So, to answer your question, the opposite of a stalactite is a stalagmite because they have opposite directions of growth and formation in a cave.