I cannot find it in my text book I have a math problem : 2f2 + 9f + 6

for f = 10

The second 2 is to the second power. So with the order of operation do I muliply 2 by 10 first and then 20 the the second power?

Thanks Math is really killing me!

2 f^2 + 9 f + 6

for f = 10
2 (10)(10) + 9 (10) + 6
200 + 90 + 6

2(10 . 10) + 9 . 10 + 6

= 2 (100) + 90 + 6

= 200 + 90 + 6

= 296

Oh wow, I had that wrong! Thank you!

To solve the equation 2f^2 + 9f + 6 when f = 10, you need to substitute the value of f into the equation and simplify. Let me walk you through the steps:

Step 1: Substitute the value of f into the equation:
2(10)^2 + 9(10) + 6

Step 2: Simplify the exponent:
2(100) + 9(10) + 6

Step 3: Perform the multiplications:
200 + 90 + 6

Step 4: Add the terms:

Therefore, when f = 10, the equation 2f^2 + 9f + 6 equals 296.

Remember, when substituting values into an equation, you should replace the variable with the given value and follow the order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS) to simplify the expression.