Over the centuries, Ethiopian christians;

a. remained isolated
b. absorbed many traditions
c. converted to Islam
d. sent missionaries to other states

B. Absorbed many traditions.

To determine the correct answer to this multiple-choice question, we should look for historical information about Ethiopian Christians. Let's break down each option:

a. remained isolated: To find out if Ethiopian Christians remained isolated, we need to look into their interactions with the outside world throughout history.

b. absorbed many traditions: To determine if Ethiopian Christians absorbed many traditions, we should examine their cultural practices and influences over time.

c. converted to Islam: To evaluate if Ethiopian Christians converted to Islam, we can explore the religious dynamics and changes that occurred in Ethiopia.

d. sent missionaries to other states: To see if Ethiopian Christians sent missionaries to other states, we can investigate their missionary activities and whether they spread their faith beyond Ethiopia's borders.

Based on historical knowledge, the correct answer to the question is:

b. absorbed many traditions

Ethiopian Christians have historically absorbed various traditions from different cultures, including indigenous practices, Jewish elements, and influences from the Coptic Church in Egypt. This has contributed to the unique development of Ethiopian Christianity.

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