Which of these statements best describes how the printing press promoted intellectual developments and technological advancements during the Renaissance?(1 point) Responses Book production in Europe remained low for several centuries due to the slow printing process. Book production in Europe remained low for several centuries due to the slow printing process. The use of animal parchments for printing made the cost of books more expensive. The use of animal parchments for printing made the cost of books more expensive. New printing techniques using wooden blocks made it easier to print larger numbers of books. New printing techniques using wooden blocks made it easier to print larger numbers of books. Learning spread throughout Europe as movable type made it easier to print larger numbers of books.

Learning spread throughout Europe as movable type made it easier to print larger numbers of books.

Learning spread throughout Europe as movable type made it easier to print larger numbers of books.

The statement that best describes how the printing press promoted intellectual developments and technological advancements during the Renaissance is: Learning spread throughout Europe as movable type made it easier to print larger numbers of books.

During the Renaissance, the invention of the printing press with movable type revolutionized book production and had a transformative impact on intellectual developments and technological advancements. The use of movable type allowed printers to arrange individual metal letters to create complete pages of text, making it faster and more efficient than the previous method of manually copying books by hand. This new technique enabled the mass production of books, making them more accessible and affordable to a larger audience.

Prior to the printing press, the production of books in Europe was indeed low and time-consuming, as they had to be painstakingly handwritten or copied by scribes. The slow copying process meant that books were scarce and expensive, limiting their availability to a privileged few. Additionally, the use of animal parchments for writing and copying further increased the cost, as animal skins were a limited and costly resource.

However, with the advent of movable type, printers could produce books in larger quantities and at a faster pace. This innovation made it easier to print more books, leading to a significant increase in the dissemination of knowledge and ideas throughout Europe. The widespread availability of printed material facilitated the spread of learning, fueled intellectual curiosity, and stimulated new discoveries and developments across various fields of study.

Therefore, the statement that best captures the impact of the printing press is that learning spread throughout Europe as movable type made it easier to print larger numbers of books.