


Please check to see if right. If not corrected for me.

You need to expand both of these.


Now try doing the second one this way. Post if you want it checked.



check this for me please

To expand a squared expression like (6x-5y)^2 or (4x+5y)^2, you need to multiply the expression by itself.

Let's start with (6x-5y)^2:

Step 1: Multiply the expression by itself using the FOIL method (First, Outer, Inner, Last):

Step 2: Multiply each term of the first expression by each term of the second expression:
(6x)(6x) + (6x)(-5y) + (-5y)(6x) + (-5y)(-5y)

Step 3: Simplify each term:
36x^2 - 30xy - 30xy + 25y^2

Step 4: Combine like terms:
36x^2 - 60xy + 25y^2

Therefore, (6x-5y)^2 is equal to 36x^2 - 60xy + 25y^2.

Now let's expand (4x+5y)^2:

Step 1: Multiply the expression by itself using the FOIL method:

Step 2: Multiply each term of the first expression by each term of the second expression:
(4x)(4x) + (4x)(5y) + (5y)(4x) + (5y)(5y)

Step 3: Simplify each term:
16x^2 + 20xy + 20xy + 25y^2

Step 4: Combine like terms:
16x^2 + 40xy + 25y^2

Therefore, (4x+5y)^2 is equal to 16x^2 + 40xy + 25y^2.

So, your first expression (6x-5y)^2 expands to 36x^2 - 60xy + 25y^2, and your second expression (4x+5y)^2 expands to 16x^2 + 40xy + 25y^2.