What does Que llevan Los jugadores de futbol? Mean in english

The verb "llevar" has many meanings, many of which are idiomatic. See

for a list of them.

None of the meanings quite make sense to me in this context. Two literal translations would be:
"What are the soccer players wearing?" or "What are the soccer players carrying?"

SraJMcin will probably enlighten us both soon.

"Futbo'l" in Spanish refers to the game that Americans call soccer.

"What are the soccer players wearing?" seems to me the good translation.

Indeed "LLEVAR" means both to carry and to wear, like PORTER in French.

Que llevan los jugadores de futbol

"¿Qué llevan los jugadores de fútbol?" means "What do soccer players wear?" in English.

To find the translation of a phrase or word, you can use various online translation tools or dictionaries. Here's how you can do it:

1. Open a web browser on your computer or smartphone.
2. Type "Spanish to English translator" in the search bar and hit enter.
3. You will have several options for online translation tools like Google Translate, WordReference, or Linguee.
4. Click on any of the options to open the translation tool.
5. In the indicated text box, enter the phrase "¿Qué llevan los jugadores de fútbol?" and choose Spanish as the source language.
6. The translation will appear in the output box, and you'll get the English translation: "What do soccer players wear?"