what is it called when you copy another animals patterns or behavior


one that mimics

The term for copying another animal's patterns or behavior is called "mimicry." Mimicry can refer to both visual patterns and behavioral traits, when one species imitates another for various reasons such as protection, camouflage, or tricking predators.

The behavior you are referring to is known as mimicry. Mimicry is a survival strategy in which one organism, typically called the mimic, adopts the physical appearance or behavior of another organism, known as the model, to gain some advantage. This behavior can occur in various forms, such as visual resemblance, sound imitation, or behavioral mimicry.

To find the answer to your question, you can search the internet or consult reference books, specifically those related to animal behavior or biology. Reliable sources like scientific journals, encyclopedias, or educational websites would provide detailed information on mimicry and its different types, examples, and significance in the animal kingdom.