need help finding australian stistics about pollution.

To find Australian statistics about pollution, you can follow these steps:

1. Government Websites: Visit official Australian government websites that specialize in environmental statistics and data collection. Some reliable sources include the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and the Department of the Environment and Energy. These websites often provide extensive data and reports on various aspects of pollution.

2. Data Portals: Explore data portals that aggregate environmental information from different sources. One such platform is "," which is the Australian government's official open data portal. It offers a wide range of data sets related to pollution and the environment.

3. Specific Environmental Agencies: Check out websites of specific environmental agencies like the Australian Environment Agency or your state's environmental department. These agencies often publish detailed reports and studies on pollution levels, environmental assessments, and monitoring data.

4. Research Reports and Studies: Look for research reports and studies published by reputable research organizations, universities, or institutes focusing on environmental issues in Australia. They often conduct comprehensive studies on pollution and publish their findings on their websites.

5. Academic Databases: Utilize academic databases such as Google Scholar or JSTOR to search for scholarly articles and studies related to Australian pollution statistics. Many universities and research institutions publish their research findings, which could include relevant statistical data.

6. Media and News Outlets: Keep an eye on reputable media and news outlets in Australia that cover environmental issues. They often report on pollution-related topics and may cite specific data sources or provide links to official reports.

Remember to use keywords such as "pollution statistics Australia," "environmental monitoring data," or be more specific depending on the type of pollution you are interested in, like "air pollution statistics Australia" or "water pollution data."

Always ensure that the sources you use are reputable and come from reliable organizations to get accurate and up-to-date statistics.