Can you please help me rephrase a sentence taken from Virginia Woolf's Mrs.Dalloway?

"And there the motor car stood, with drawn blinds, and upon them a curious pattern like a tree, Septimus thought, and this gradual drawing together of everything to one centre before his eyes, as if some horror had come almost to the surface and was about to burst into flames, terrified him. The world wavered and quivered and threatened to burst into flames. It is I who am blocking the way, he thought. Was he not being looked at and pointed at; was he not weighted there, rooted to the pavement, for a purpose? But for what purpose?"
1)Possible meaning: At first,he appears as completely alienated from the outside world. Then he sees the car with the drawn blinds and thinks there is a pattern like a tree over them. This drawing increases his feeling of terror which has already taken hold of him and is now going to burst into flames (?). Finally, he is guilt-ridden when he realizes it is him who is blocking the way.

correct English at the end "he realizes it is he who is blocking the way.

Seeing the solitary, "shuttered" car with a strange pattern on it is the focal point for him. Not moving, his feeling of doom increases and he realizes he is blocking the way.


sorry just to hard im like u i cant find the answer fo my homeworkigoogled it andstill didn't find the answer

Certainly! Here is a rephrased version of the sentence:

"He observed the motor car standing there with its blinds drawn, and noticed an interesting pattern resembling a tree on them. This gathering of everything towards a single focal point intensified his feeling of terror, as if a horrifying event was about to erupt in flames. The world seemed unstable, trembling, and on the brink of bursting into flames. He couldn't help but think that he himself was obstructing the way, feeling as though he was being watched and singled out. He felt heavy and fixed to the ground, wondering what purpose he was serving."

This revised version captures the essence of the original sentence, explaining how the protagonist, Septimus, experiences a progression of emotions and thoughts while witnessing the motor car and its association with his inner turmoil.