27x^2 + 72x/ 18x

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27x^2 + 72x/18x = 27x^2 - 4

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To simplify this expression, you can first factor out the greatest common factor from each term. The greatest common factor of the numerator (27x^2 + 72x) is 9x, and the greatest common factor of the denominator (18x) is 18x.

So, you can rewrite the expression as:

(9x * (3x + 8x)) / (18x)

Now, you can simplify further by canceling out any common factors in the numerator and denominator. In this case, both the numerator and denominator have a factor of 9x. So, you can divide both terms by 9x to simplify the expression even further.

(3x + 8x) / 2

Now, you can combine like terms in the numerator.

11x / 2

Therefore, the simplified form of the expression 27x^2 + 72x / 18x is 11x / 2.