Convert 50 ppm NaCl to molarity of NaCl

50 ppm = 50 g NaCl/10^6 g water and since the density of the solution is so close to 1.00 we will call that 50 g NaCl/10^6 mL = 0.050 g NaCl/L. Convert g NaCl to moles.

To convert from parts per million (ppm) to molarity (M) for a solute like NaCl, you need to know the molar mass of NaCl and the density of the solution.

1. Start by determining the molar mass of NaCl, which is the sum of the atomic masses of sodium (Na) and chloride (Cl). The atomic mass of Na is approximately 22.99 g/mol, and the atomic mass of Cl is approximately 35.45 g/mol. Therefore, the molar mass of NaCl is 22.99 + 35.45 = 58.44 g/mol.

2. Next, you need to know the density of the solution. In this case, we don't have the density of the solution, but we can assume a density of 1 g/mL for a water solution, since we are not given any specific information.

3. Now, calculate the mass of NaCl in the solution. Since ppm is a mass ratio, for every 1 million parts (ppm), we have 1 gram of NaCl. Therefore, for 50 ppm NaCl, we have 50 grams of NaCl in 1 million grams (or 1 liter) of solution.

4. Convert the mass of NaCl to moles by dividing by the molar mass. In this case, we have 50 grams of NaCl, so the number of moles of NaCl is 50 g / 58.44 g/mol = 0.856 moles.

5. Finally, calculate the molarity (M) by dividing the number of moles of NaCl by the volume of the solution in liters. Since we assumed a density of 1 g/mL earlier, the volume of the solution is equal to its mass. Therefore, we have 0.856 moles / 1000 mL = 0.856 M NaCl (assuming a 1 liter solution).

So, 50 ppm of NaCl is equivalent to a molarity of approximately 0.856 M NaCl, assuming a density of 1 g/mL.