how do i use an identity to find the value of the expression sin 1.7 and csc 1.7

To find the value of the expression sin 1.7 and csc 1.7, you can use the identities of sine and cosecant functions in trigonometry.

1. For the sine function, the identity is:
sin(x) = 1 / csc(x)

2. For the cosecant function, the identity is:
csc(x) = 1 / sin(x)

Using these identities, we can find the values of sin 1.7 and csc 1.7:

1. sin 1.7:
Since we don't have the exact value of sin 1.7, we can use a calculator to find its approximate value. Just input 1.7 into your calculator and hit the sin key (usually represented as "sin" or "sin^-1") to obtain the value of sin 1.7.

2. csc 1.7:
To find csc 1.7, use the identity csc(x) = 1 / sin(x). Plug in 1.7 into the identity:
csc 1.7 = 1 / sin 1.7

Now, refer to the value of sin 1.7 you obtained in step 1, and substitute it back into the equation:
csc 1.7 = 1 / (value of sin 1.7)

Calculate the reciprocal of sin 1.7 to find the value of csc 1.7.

Remember, when using trigonometric identities, it's important to be familiar with the trigonometric functions, their identities, and how to use them to derive the values you need.