1. What do you thinks about watching TV?

2. What is your opinion of watching TV?

3. Do you think watching TV is good or not?

4. What is your viewpoint of watching TV?

5. What kind of viewpoint do you have about watching TV?

6. What viewpoint do you have about watching TV?

7. Talk about merits and demerits of watching TV.

8. Discuss good points and bad points about watching TV.

(Would you like to check the questions? Are they all grammatical? Do you have more questions related to the kind?)

They are OK.


Only one correction! In the first sentence, the verb should be "think" not "thinks."


All of the questions you provided are grammatical. Here are the answers to your questions:

As an AI, I don't have personal thoughts, opinions, or viewpoints because I don't have consciousness or personal experiences. However, I can discuss the merits and demerits of watching TV based on common perspectives.

Merits (or positive aspects) of watching TV include:
1. Entertainment: TV provides a wide range of shows, movies, and documentaries that can be enjoyable and help people relax.
2. Information and Education: TV can be a source of news, current affairs, educational programs, and documentaries, providing viewers with access to a variety of knowledge and information.
3. Cultural Exposure: TV allows people to explore different cultures and perspectives, helping to broaden their understanding and knowledge of the world.
4. Social Connection: TV shows and events provide people with shared experiences that can become topics of conversation and foster connections with others.

Demerits (or negative aspects) of watching TV include:
1. Time Consumption: Excessive TV watching can take up a significant amount of time, potentially leading to neglect of other important activities or responsibilities.
2. Sedentary Lifestyle: Sitting for long periods while watching TV can contribute to a sedentary lifestyle, which has been linked to various health problems, including obesity and cardiovascular issues.
3. Negative Influence: Some TV shows might perpetuate harmful stereotypes, promote violence, or display unrealistic beauty standards, potentially affecting viewers' perceptions and behaviors.
4. Reduced Productivity: Spending excessive time watching TV can hinder productivity and distract individuals from pursuing personal goals or engaging in more meaningful activities.

Remember, these viewpoints can vary from person to person, as opinions on watching TV are subjective and can depend on individual preferences and experiences.