five names for -73

To find five names for -73, it's important to understand that -73 is a numerical value and does not typically have names associated with it. However, in certain contexts like coordinates or temperatures, there might be corresponding names or labels. So, let's explore a few possibilities:

1. Coordinate: If we're referring to latitude, the coordinate -73 represents the 73rd degree south of the equator. Therefore, it can be referred to as 73 degrees South.
2. Temperature Scale: In some weather systems, negative numbers can be associated with temperature. If we convert -73 degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit, it would be -99.4 degrees Fahrenheit.
3. Altitude: In some aviation or geographical contexts, -73 can represent an altitude in feet below sea level. For example, an airport or city located 73 feet below sea level may use this value to describe its altitude.
4. Street Address: Although it's highly unlikely for a street address to be named -73, there may be rare cases where a particular building or location has a unique identifier that includes this number.
5. Mathematical representation: In mathematical equations or formulas, -73 could simply be referred to as "negative seventy-three."

Remember, -73 is primarily a numerical value, and depending on the context, it may or may not have specific names associated with it.