Hello I to write a paper and part of the paper is asking for information I am not sure which way to go if some one can please help me with this I would appreciate it the section I am having a problem with is

Explain the criticism of artificiality in the discipline of psychology and apply this criticism to at least three sub-disciplines within psychology.

The sub disciplines i am writing about is Abnormal psychology, social psychology and environmental psychology

I know that Artificiality is the research laboratory where the criticism is people do not believe these experiment are any good because they are not real world. How would I go about placing this with a discipline in psychology can someone please explain or give me a example I would really appreiciate it. Thank Ann

Sure, I can help you with that! To explain the criticism of artificiality in the discipline of psychology and apply it to the sub-disciplines of abnormal psychology, social psychology, and environmental psychology, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the criticism of artificiality: Artificiality refers to the idea that laboratory experiments in psychology may not accurately reflect real-world behavior or situations. Critics argue that studying participants in controlled settings may not capture the complexity and variability of human behavior as it occurs naturally.

2. Apply the criticism to abnormal psychology: In abnormal psychology, the criticism of artificiality can be seen in the use of clinical case studies or controlled experiments to understand and diagnose mental disorders. Critics argue that studying mental disorders in controlled environments may oversimplify or overlook important contextual factors that contribute to the development and manifestation of these disorders in real life. Research that exclusively relies on laboratory-based data may not fully capture the multifaceted nature of abnormal psychology.

3. Apply the criticism to social psychology: In social psychology, artificiality criticism may be relevant when studying aspects of interpersonal relationships, group dynamics, and social influence. Critics argue that experimental setups conducted in controlled laboratory environments may not fully capture the complexity and nuances of real-life social interactions. Factors such as social norms, cultural influences, and situational variables may be overlooked or oversimplified in laboratory settings, leading to limited generalizability of findings to everyday social contexts.

4. Apply the criticism to environmental psychology: In environmental psychology, the criticism of artificiality relates to studying human behavior in response to built or natural environments. Critics argue that laboratory experiments or simulations may not fully replicate the complexity and dynamism of real-world environments. Factors such as temporal changes, contextual influences, and individual differences in perception and experience may not be adequately captured in controlled settings. This limitation may affect the external validity of research findings in understanding the relationship between individuals and their physical surroundings.

To strengthen your paper, you can present specific studies or findings from each of these sub-disciplines that exemplify the criticism of artificiality. Additionally, considering alternative research methods, such as field studies, naturalistic observation, or qualitative research, can provide a well-rounded analysis of the limitations associated with artificiality in psychology.

Remember to supplement your explanation with relevant scholarly sources and citations to support your arguments. Good luck with your paper!