In which state is Kennedy a city?

I looked on google and found a Kennedy, MN.

This site shows 11 states with towns named Kennedy.;expr=Kennedy&first_hit=1

help i need some info teacher said i could ask u


the things of georophy

How many miles is it from Beijing to Shanghai

Name two countries that border China on the North East

In wich part of China is its capital Beijing North East North West South East or South West

If you wanted to travel from Guangzhou to Shanghai in wich direction would you go

hi,ilovegeography do you?

us geogrophy

why study geogrophy

largest body of salt water

the largest body of salt water is the atlantic ocean.


Hello! I'd be happy to help with your questions.

1. In which state is Kennedy a city?
- You mentioned that there is a Kennedy city in Minnesota (MN) based on your Google search. However, there might be other cities/towns named Kennedy in different states. One resource you can use to find all the states with towns named Kennedy is the Atlas Horoscope website:;expr=Kennedy&first_hit=1

2. How many miles is it from Beijing to Shanghai?
- To find the distance between Beijing and Shanghai in miles, you can use an online map service or a distance calculator tool. These tools usually provide accurate distances between locations. Simply enter "Beijing" as the starting point and "Shanghai" as the destination to get the distance.

3. Name two countries that border China on the Northeast.
- To find countries that border China in the northeast, you can refer to a map or use an online resource. The two countries that border China in the northeast are Russia and North Korea.

4. In which part of China is its capital, Beijing? Is it North East, North West, South East, or South West?
- Beijing, the capital of China, is located in the North East part of the country.

5. If you wanted to travel from Guangzhou to Shanghai, in which direction would you go?
- To travel from Guangzhou to Shanghai, you would generally travel in the northeast direction.

I hope this helps! If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask.