Which of the following statements regarding European colonization of Southeast Asia is not correct?

The Europeans cared little about existing ethnic boundaries and drew up boundaries for their own profit.
Boundaries created by the European colonists created hostilities among many of the different ethnic groups.
When World War II ended, many of these colonies, upon independence, inherited conflicts among various ethnic groups.
When World War II ended, many of these colonies, once independent, found that once existing conflicts between various ethnic groups were no longer present.


Three of those statements are correct and one is not.

Please re-read and re-think.

is it b?


To determine which statement regarding European colonization of Southeast Asia is not correct, let's analyze each statement individually:

Statement 1: "The Europeans cared little about existing ethnic boundaries and drew up boundaries for their own profit."

This statement is correct. European colonists often disregarded existing ethnic boundaries and drew up boundaries that served their own economic and political interests. They divided territories based on their own needs and did not consider the existing ethnic groups or their historical boundaries.

Statement 2: "Boundaries created by the European colonists created hostilities among many of the different ethnic groups."

This statement is correct. The boundaries imposed by European colonists often divided territories that had previously been united under various ethnic groups. This division frequently resulted in tensions and hostilities among the different ethnic groups.

Statement 3: "When World War II ended, many of these colonies, upon independence, inherited conflicts among various ethnic groups."

This statement is correct. After World War II, when many Southeast Asian colonies gained independence, they inherited conflicts that had arisen between different ethnic groups during the colonial period. These conflicts were often a result of the arbitrary boundaries imposed by the European colonists.

Statement 4: "When World War II ended, many of these colonies, once independent, found that once existing conflicts between various ethnic groups were no longer present."

This statement is not correct. The independence of the Southeast Asian colonies did not automatically resolve the conflicts between different ethnic groups. In many cases, these conflicts persisted and continued to pose challenges for the newly independent nations.

Therefore, statement D, "When World War II ended, many of these colonies, once independent, found that once existing conflicts between various ethnic groups were no longer present," is the incorrect statement.