4xy3(2x-y)(3x+5) the Y is to the third power. Im having a problem multiplying this binomial. I get confused with the X and the Y after the FOIL method is completed

okay, so first (2x)(3x)

then, (2x)(5)
next, (-y)(3x)
finally, (-y)(5)
That comes out to 4xy^3(6x^2+10x-3xy-5y)
You should multiply the 4xy^3 by (6x^2+10x-3xy-5y)
Happy algebra!!

To multiply the binomial (2x - y)(3x + 5), you can use the FOIL method, which stands for First, Outer, Inner, Last. Here's how you can apply the FOIL method to simplify the expression:

1. First: Multiply the first terms in each binomial.
(2x)(3x) = 6x^2

2. Outer: Multiply the outer terms in each binomial.
(2x)(5) = 10x

3. Inner: Multiply the inner terms in each binomial.
(-y)(3x) = -3xy

4. Last: Multiply the last terms in each binomial.
(-y)(5) = -5y

Once you have these four terms, you can combine them together:
6x^2 + 10x - 3xy - 5y

Now, if you want to include the y^3 term, you can rewrite the expression as:
6x^2 + 10x - 3xy - 5y^1 * y^2

To further simplify the expression, you can multiply y^1 and y^2:
6x^2 + 10x - 3xy - 5y^3