the clerk will wait on ( whom,who,whomever,whoever) is next. my answer is (whom) is this right

Nope. It should be who or whoever. This pronoun is the subject of the verb "is." In this sentence, "on" is used as an adverb.

"whoever is next" is a noun clause. "will wait on" is the verb... will wait on, think " will help"

In order to determine the correct pronoun to use in this sentence, let's break down the sentence structure and the usage of the pronouns:

"The clerk will wait on (whom, who, whomever, whoever) is next."

In this sentence, the pronoun is needed to refer to the person who is next in line, i.e., the object of the verb "wait on."

To decide which pronoun to use, we need to identify the function of the pronoun in the sentence.

"Whom" is an object pronoun that functions as the object of a verb or preposition. It is used when the pronoun is the recipient of the action or is the object of the preposition.

"Who" is a subject pronoun that functions as the subject of a sentence or clause.

"Whomever" is an object pronoun that functions as the object of a verb or preposition. It is used when the pronoun refers to the object of an action or to the object of a preposition.

"Whoever" is a subject pronoun that functions as the subject of a sentence or clause.

Considering the sentence structure, the correct pronoun to use here would be "whoever." This is because the pronoun is functioning as the subject of the verb "is" in the dependent clause "whoever is next."

Therefore, the correct answer is "whoever."