Which expression has the same value as (7a-2)+(a-4)


(7a - 2) + (a - 4)

Combine like terms. What do you think the answer is?

I don't know how to combine it

7a + a = 8a

-2 + -4 = -6

8a - 6

To find the expression that has the same value as (7a-2) + (a-4), we need to simplify the given expression first.

Using the distributive property, we can remove the parentheses by adding like terms. Combine the terms with 'a' and the constant terms separately:

(7a - 2) + (a - 4)
7a + a - 2 - 4
(7a + a) + (-2 - 4)
8a - 6

So the simplified expression is 8a - 6.

Now, we can compare this simplified expression to the answer choices:

A) 8a - 6: This expression matches the simplified expression.

B) 6a + 8: This expression does not match the simplified expression.

C) 7a - 2: This expression does not match the simplified expression.

D) 8a + 8: This expression does not match the simplified expression.

Therefore, the expression that has the same value as (7a-2) + (a-4) is 8a - 6, which is option A.