In organizational psychology, the "Big Five" refers to five general principles to be used when making changes.

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Actually, in the field of organizational psychology, the term "Big Five" does not refer to principles for making changes. Rather, it is a term used to describe the five broad dimensions of personality. These dimensions are considered to be the most significant when it comes to understanding individual differences in personality traits.

The five dimensions, commonly known as the Big Five Personality Traits, are:

1. Openness to experience: This trait refers to a person's willingness to engage in new experiences and embrace change. Individuals high in openness tend to be imaginative, curious, and open-minded, while those low in openness prefer routine and stability.

2. Conscientiousness: This trait relates to how well a person regulates their impulses and organizes their life. Individuals high in conscientiousness are organized, diligent, and responsible, while those low in conscientiousness may be impulsive or disorganized.

3. Extraversion: This trait reflects a person's level of social engagement and assertiveness. Extraverts are outgoing, talkative, and energetic, while introverts are more reserved and prefer solitary activities.

4. Agreeableness: This trait measures how individuals interact with others and their level of cooperation. Individuals high in agreeableness are friendly, compassionate, and cooperative, while those low in agreeableness might be more skeptical or competitive.

5. Neuroticism (sometimes referred to as emotional stability): This trait is related to a person's emotional well-being and tendency to experience negative emotions. People high in neuroticism often feel anxious, stressed, or insecure, while those low in neuroticism are typically more emotionally stable and resilient.

Understanding these dimensions can be valuable in various organizational contexts, such as recruitment, team dynamics, and leadership development. To determine an individual's Big Five personality traits, psychologists use validated personality assessments, such as the NEO-PI-3 or the Five-Factor Model.