Which term refers to the general subject of a text


2 To help you read with greater focus on the text's purpose
3 Supporting details explain the central ideas of the text.
4 looking for supporting details and repetition of key words in the text

The term that refers to the general subject of a text is called the "topic" of the text.


to help you read with greater focus on the text's purpose
Supporting details explain the central ideas of the text.
looking for supporting details and repetition of key words in the text

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The term that refers to the general subject of a text is called the "topic." To identify the topic, you would typically analyze the main ideas, keywords, and recurring themes in the text. This can be done by reading the text carefully and considering its overall content and purpose.

To determine the topic of a text, follow these steps:

1. Read the text: Start by reading the entire text carefully to gain an understanding of its content.

2. Identify main ideas: Look for the main ideas or arguments the author presents. These are usually found in topic sentences or thesis statements.

3. Pay attention to keywords: Notice any important or repeated words in the text that could indicate the main subject or topic.

4. Consider supporting details: Pay attention to supporting details, examples, or evidence provided in the text, as these can help you grasp the overall subject.

5. Summarize the text: After analyzing the text, summarize it in a sentence or two. The subject mentioned in the summary would likely be the topic of the text.

It's important to note that the determination of a text's topic might involve some interpretation, as different readers may have slightly different perspectives on what the main subject is.