what could be the possible thesis statement on friday the 13th

Remember that a thesis statement needs to have a topic (which you've written above) and your position or opinion about that topic (which is missing from what you've written above). Once you decide what your opinion is -- that is, the angle you plan to take on this topic or what you want to prove about this topic -- then you'll be ready to write a thesis statement.

Read these examples carefully to see what is and what is not a thesis statement:

Then post what YOU THINK a good thesis statement for this topic is.

The military


This museum should create more dinosaur exhibits.

True False

2. Daily exercise is one of the best things you can do to stay healthy.

True False

3. I think that rainy days are just awful.

True False

4. We should all pay more attention to local organizations that help the poor.

True False

5. An Audi is a cool car.

True False

6. Abraham Lincoln had a tremendous impact on American politics.

True False

7. We should listen to the Forest Ranger's warning.

True False

8. Modern culture is richer than ancient culture.

True False

9. I just know that Rocky is going to ace that test.

True False

10. Soccer is the best sport ever created.

Friday the 13th is unreal.

To find a possible thesis statement on the topic of "Friday the 13th," it is important to conduct thorough research and analysis on the subject. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to develop a thesis statement:

1. Research the topic: Begin by gathering information about the origins, historical and cultural significance, beliefs, and superstitions associated with Friday the 13th. Explore various sources, such as books, articles, scholarly journals, and credible websites.

2. Identify key themes or patterns: Look for common threads or recurring elements related to Friday the 13th. For example, you may discover connections with historical events, cultural traditions, psychological phenomena, or popular culture references.

3. Formulate a research question: Based on your research, develop a focused question that you would like to explore regarding Friday the 13th. For instance, "What are the historical and cultural origins of the fear associated with Friday the 13th?"

4. Analyze and evaluate different perspectives: Consider different viewpoints and interpretations regarding the significance of Friday the 13th. Examine opinions, arguments, and theories presented by experts or scholars to understand the range of ideas surrounding this topic.

5. Develop a thesis statement: Once you have gathered sufficient information and considered different perspectives, develop a clear and concise thesis statement that reflects your argument or main claim. This statement should address your research question and provide a position that you will support throughout your paper.

For example, a possible thesis statement on Friday the 13th could be: "The superstitions and fears surrounding Friday the 13th have deep historical and cultural roots, influenced by a combination of religious, societal, and psychological factors."

Remember, the thesis statement should be specific, arguable, and supported by evidence that you will gather during your research.