the velocity of a train is 80.0km/h, due west. 1hr an 30min later, its velocity is 65.0km/h, due west. Whats the train average velocity

65-80/1.5= -10km/h^2 , due east

To find the average velocity of the train, we need to calculate the total displacement and the total time taken.

Initial velocity (v1) = 80.0 km/h (due west)
Final velocity (v2) = 65.0 km/h (due west)
Time elapsed (t) = 1 hour and 30 minutes = 1.5 hours

Step 1: Convert the time into hours
1 hour 30 minutes = 1.5 hours

Step 2: Calculate the total displacement
Since the velocities are in the same direction (west), we can assume the displacement is the difference between the initial and final velocities.
Displacement = v2 - v1 = 65.0 km/h - 80.0 km/h = -15.0 km/h (the negative sign indicates the westward direction)

Step 3: Calculate the total time taken
The total time taken is the sum of the initial time and the additional time elapsed.
Total time taken = t + 1.5 hours = 1.5 hours + 1.5 hours = 3 hours

Step 4: Calculate the average velocity
Average velocity = total displacement / total time taken
Average velocity = -15.0 km/h / 3 hours = -5.0 km/h

Therefore, the average velocity of the train is -5.0 km/h, westward.

To find the average velocity of the train, you need to consider the total displacement and the total time taken.

First, let's find the total displacement. The train initially moves at a velocity of 80.0 km/h due west, which means its displacement during the first 1 hour and 30 minutes is:

Displacement1 = velocity1 * time1
= 80.0 km/h * 1.5 hours
= 120 km west

Next, let's find the displacement during the remaining time. The train travels at a velocity of 65.0 km/h due west for the remaining time, which is:

Displacement2 = velocity2 * time2
= 65.0 km/h * 0.5 hours
= 32.5 km west

Now, let's calculate the total displacement:

Total Displacement = Displacement1 + Displacement2
= 120 km + 32.5 km
= 152.5 km west

Finally, we need to calculate the total time taken. The initial time of 1 hour and 30 minutes is equal to 1.5 hours, and the remaining time is 0.5 hours. Therefore:

Total Time = time1 + time2
= 1.5 hours + 0.5 hours
= 2 hours

Now we have the total displacement and the total time taken, we can calculate the average velocity:

Average Velocity = Total Displacement / Total Time
= 152.5 km west / 2 hours
= 76.25 km/h west

Hence, the average velocity of the train is 76.25 km/h due west.

There is not enough information to solve this. You need for average velocity the distance the train went. There is no indication of what velocity was doing during the 1.5hr time period.