How are the ideas of fair use and copyright related?(1 point)


Fair use grants permission of copyrighted material to be used in certain ways.
Fair use grants permission of copyrighted material to be used in certain ways.

Copyright grants permission of fair use material to be used in certain ways.
Copyright grants permission of fair use material to be used in certain ways.

Fair use has stricter guidelines than copyright.
Fair use has stricter guidelines than copyright.

Copyright and fair use are used for the same purpose.

Copyright and fair use are related in that they both involve permissions for using copyrighted material in certain ways. Fair use allows for limited use of copyrighted material without permission for purposes such as criticism, commentary, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Copyright, on the other hand, grants exclusive rights to the creator of the original work to control how it is used and distributed. Both fair use and copyright aim to balance the rights of the creator with the need for information and creativity to be shared and used by others.