how were the ideas of enlightenment thinkers influenced by the scientific revolultion

The ideas of Enlightenment thinkers were heavily influenced by the Scientific Revolution in several ways. Firstly, the Scientific Revolution challenged traditional notions of authority and knowledge, particularly from religious institutions, by advocating for empirical evidence and experimentation as the basis for understanding the natural world. This emphasis on reason and observation as the foundation of knowledge influenced Enlightenment thinkers to apply similar methods to the study of human society and politics.

Secondly, the Scientific Revolution promoted the idea that through reason and observation, humans could better understand and improve their world. This idea of progress and the belief in the power of human reason to solve problems and create a better society became central themes in Enlightenment thought. Enlightenment thinkers sought to apply the scientific method to social and political issues, advocating for rationality, individual rights, and the separation of church and state.

Finally, the Scientific Revolution contributed to a more secular worldview, as the focus on empirical evidence and natural laws challenged traditional religious beliefs and dogma. This shift towards secularism and a more rational approach to understanding the world influenced Enlightenment thinkers to question traditional authorities and superstitions, promoting freedom of thought and tolerance.

Overall, the Scientific Revolution had a profound impact on Enlightenment thought, shaping the ideas of reason, progress, individual rights, and secularism that were central to the intellectual movement of the Enlightenment.