How was Cetshwayo betrayed by his close ones

Cetshwayo, the last king of the Zulu Kingdom, was betrayed by his close relatives, including his half-brother Mbuyazi, who conspired with the British to overthrow him. Mbuyazi and other family members felt Cetshwayo was too conservative and resistant to change, and they saw an opportunity to gain power and land by working with the British.

In 1879, the British invaded Zululand and defeated Cetshwayo's forces in the Anglo-Zulu War. Cetshwayo was captured and exiled to Cape Town, where he lived in exile for several years. Although he was eventually allowed to return to Zululand, his authority was greatly diminished, and he was forced to live under British control.

Cetshwayo's betrayal by his close relatives was a significant factor in his downfall, as it left him vulnerable to British aggression and ultimately led to the end of the Zulu Kingdom as an independent state.