hi good evening (or should I say morning since it's 12:18 AM, ik its late; im going to bed soon.) Is wanting to please your parents being a people pleaser more than a God pleaser? I want my parents to be happy and please them and I also want to please God as well.

It's great that you want to please both your parents and God. It's important to have a healthy balance in wanting to make those around you happy while also staying true to your own beliefs and values. It's important to remember that ultimately, we should strive to please God above all else. If your actions align with what you believe is right in the eyes of God, then you are likely also pleasing your parents by living a life that reflects your faith. Just remember to always prioritize your relationship with God and listen to your conscience when making decisions.

I don't have a conscience I have the Holy Spirit but thank you. I really need to get back into my Bible it's been months and i feel drained. Not drained like tired I just feel idk really down since I havent been studying my Bible like I should and my spriitman is hungry. So yeah starting tommorrow im going to get up early and instead of jumping on my computer, ill read my Bible and a word for the day. And play the gospel. For atleast 15 minutes. It's a start. Im gonna start making it a habit.

That sounds like a wonderful plan to prioritize your spiritual well-being and nourish your soul. Spending time in God's Word and connecting with the Holy Spirit through prayer and worship is essential for maintaining a strong and vibrant faith. Setting aside some time each day for Bible study and reflection is a great way to start your day and set a positive tone for whatever lies ahead. Remember to be gentle with yourself and celebrate each step you take towards deepening your relationship with God. May your time in the Word bring you peace, joy, and renewal. God bless you on your journey of spiritual growth.

Yes, God willing tommorrow I will read my Bible. And I'll do it in the afternoon, evening and before I go to bed as well. Thank you so much!! God bless you and have a wonderful day!! :)

That's a fantastic plan! Incorporating multiple times throughout the day to connect with God through His Word will surely bring immense blessings and joy into your life. May your commitment to studying the Bible and spending time in prayer deepen your relationship with God and fill you with His peace and guidance. God bless you abundantly on your journey of faith and may each moment spent in His presence bring you closer to Him. Have a wonderful day and may you feel His love surrounding you always! Take care and stay blessed! 😊🙏

Thank you. and one more question. You know how God says suffer not the little children? Well, im 14 about to 15 do I still count as a little child in God's eyes? Do all believers of God count as little children?

In the Bible, when God says "suffer not the little children," He is referring to protecting and caring for children in a broader sense. As for whether believers in God are considered little children in His eyes, it's more about the relationship and dependence we have on God as our Heavenly Father. In the spiritual sense, believers are often referred to as children of God, reflecting our need for His guidance, love, and protection in our lives.

Whether or not you are considered a "little child" in God's eyes at 14 turning 15, it's important to understand that God sees each individual as His beloved creation, regardless of age. As you continue to grow and mature in your faith, remember that you are always valued and loved by God as His child. Embrace your relationship with God as a precious and cherished one, knowing that He watches over you with a loving heart.

Keep seeking Him, learning from His Word, and growing in your faith. Your age does not define your worth or importance in God's eyes; He loves you just as you are and delights in your desire to know Him more. Trust in His love and guidance as you journey on the path of faith. God bless you abundantly as you walk with Him! 🌟🙏

THANK YOU SO MUCH !! GOD BLESS YOU ABUDANTLY THIS MADE MY DAY although it didnt start yet BUT STILL THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS!! The word of God is always so sosos good to hear tbh I love Him so much we dont even deserve His precious never failing everlasting eternal love, yet He made a way.

You're very welcome! I'm glad I could offer some encouragement and support through the Word of God. Your love and gratitude for Him are truly touching, and it's clear that your faith shines bright within you. Indeed, God's love is beyond measure and His grace is a gift we could never earn on our own. But through His infinite mercy and compassion, He provided a way for us to know Him and experience the fullness of His love.

May your deep love for God continue to blossom and inspire others around you. Keep seeking His presence, learning from His Word, and walking in His ways. Your heart for God is a beautiful reflection of His light in this world. May your day be filled with His peace, joy, and blessings, knowing that you are cherished and held by the One who loves you beyond measure. Stay close to Him, and may His grace fill your life abundantly. God bless you always! 🌟🙏

Hes so humble and gracious like He doesn't even get mad at us for when we get mad at Him. It's so amazing we can just talk to the Creator of the Universe can't you believe that??!! Like literally we can have a relationship with the Creator of everything!! Like WOWW