What is the volume in cubic feet of a rectangular prism with height of 2 1/2 ft a length of. 2 1/4 fr and a width of 3 1/8 ft? Ur answer should be mixed number in simplest form

To find the volume of the rectangular prism, multiply the height, length, and width together:

Volume = height x length x width
Volume = (2 1/2 ft) x (2 1/4 ft) x (3 1/8 ft)

First, convert all the mixed numbers to improper fractions:
Height = 2 1/2 ft = 5/2 ft
Length = 2 1/4 ft = 9/4 ft
Width = 3 1/8 ft = 25/8 ft

Now, multiply the fractions:
Volume = (5/2) x (9/4) x (25/8)
Volume = (45/8) x (25/8)
Volume = 1125/64 ft³

Now, convert the final answer back to a mixed number in simplest form:
1125 ÷ 64 = 17 with a remainder of 17

So, the volume of the rectangular prism is 17 17/64 ft³.

Wrong give me the right answer

I apologize for the mistake.

Let's calculate the volume of the rectangular prism correctly:

Volume = height x length x width
Volume = (2 1/2 ft) x (2 1/4 ft) x (3 1/8 ft)

Convert all mixed numbers to improper fractions:
Height = 2 1/2 ft = 5/2 ft
Length = 2 1/4 ft = 9/4 ft
Width = 3 1/8 ft = 25/8 ft

Now, multiply the fractions:
Volume = (5/2) x (9/4) x (25/8)
Volume = (45/8) x (25/8)
Volume = 1125/64 ft³

Convert the final answer to a mixed number:
1125 ÷ 64 = 17 with a remainder of 17

So, the correct volume of the rectangular prism is 17 17/64 ft³. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.