I would like to know which of the following spellings are correct:

two grapefruits or grapefruit
two kiwis or two kiwifruits
Is the plural of fruit and kaki possible?
On the basis of your last correction, can you check the rephrasing of this line "Misers, menials, priests alarming" (we alarmed those who were stingy, menial and the priests?) Can you also say: We alarmed the stingy, the menial and the priests (by plundering cities)
Thanks a lot.

two grapefruit (the word "fruit" does not have a separate form for plural)

two kiwifruit (same reason)

What's "kaki"?

The word "menial" is almost always used as an adjective. Even though the dictionary lists it as both an adj and a n, I've never heard it used as a noun before.

So substitute "servant" or "slave" for it.

How will you rewrite that sentence?

In certain parts of Europe persimmons are called "kaki".

To determine the correct spelling and plural forms of the given words, we can consult a dictionary or a reliable online source. Let's break down each question:

1. Grapefruit: The correct spelling for one unit is "grapefruit," while the correct plural form is "grapefruits." Therefore, "two grapefruits" is the correct option.

2. Kiwi: The correct spelling for one unit is "kiwi," and the correct plural form is also "kiwis." Therefore, "two kiwis" is the correct option. The term "kiwifruits" is less common but can be used to refer to multiple kiwi fruits if desired.

3. The plural of "fruit" is "fruits," and "kaki" can be made plural as "kakis." Thus, both "fruits" and "kakis" are possible plural forms, depending on the context.

Regarding the rephrasing you provided for the line "Misers, menials, priests alarming," both versions are grammatically correct but convey slightly different meanings:

1. "We alarmed those who were stingy, menial, and the priests." This suggests that the stingy, menial individuals, and the priests were the ones being alarmed by "we" (the subject). It implies that "we" took some action to cause alarm in them.

2. "We alarmed the stingy, the menial, and the priests (by plundering cities)." This version suggests that "we" caused alarm in the stingy, menial individuals, and the priests by means of plundering cities. It implies that the plundering action carried out by "we" was the cause of their alarm.

Both versions are valid, but the choice between them depends on the intended meaning and context.