in 9th grade writing and work Explain how the verbs saber and conocer differ. Write your answer in English.

In Spanish, the verbs "saber" and "conocer" both translate to "to know" in English, but they are used in different contexts.

"Saber" is used to express knowledge or skills that are acquired through learning or experience. It is used when talking about facts, information, or how to do something. For example, "Yo sé hablar español" (I know how to speak Spanish) or "Él sabe la respuesta" (He knows the answer).

"Conocer," on the other hand, is used to express familiarity or acquaintance with people, places, or things. It is used when talking about being familiar with someone or something, or having visited a place. For example, "Yo conozco a Juan" (I know Juan) or "Ella conoce Nueva York" (She knows New York).

In summary, "saber" is used for knowing facts or information, while "conocer" is used for being familiar with people, places, or things.