Many experts have recommended discontinuing the use of plastic straws because they hurt the environment. In 3–5 sentences, describe how you would conduct a research project about the effects of plastic on the environment.(4 points)

Put your answer in 7th graders wording, with a 1 sentence sumarization in the end. with the description itself is 4 sentences.

To study the effects of plastic on the environment, I would start by researching past studies on the topic. Then, I would collect samples of plastic waste from different areas, such as beaches or parks, and analyze the impact it has on wildlife and ecosystems. Next, I would interview experts in the field to gain more insight on the potential long-term effects of plastic pollution. Finally, I would compile my findings into a report to share with others.

In summary, to research the effects of plastic on the environment, I would study past research, collect samples of plastic waste, interview experts, and compile my findings into a report.