Orlando is making a design for a logo. He begins with a square measuring 20 inches on a side. The second square has a side length of 16 inches, and the third square has a side length of 12.8 inches. Which square will be the first square with a side length of less than 8 inches?

To find out which square will be the first square with a side length of less than 8 inches, we can create an inequality for each square and solve for when the side length is less than 8 inches.

Let x be the side length of the square.

First square: x = 20 inches
Second square: x = 16 inches
Third square: x = 12.8 inches

Now we set up the inequality:

x < 8

Solving for x in each case:

For the first square: 20 < 8 - This is false.
For the second square: 16 < 8 - This is false.
For the third square: 12.8 < 8 - This is also false.

Therefore, none of the squares have a side length less than 8 inches.