name the 10 community development processes or plan.

1. Community assessment

2. Community engagement
3. Strategic planning
4. Stakeholder involvement
5. Capacity building
6. Advocacy and empowerment
7. Asset mapping
8. Needs assessment
9. Collaborative partnerships
10. Monitoring and evaluation

demonstrate this development processes or plan in building community aid post

1. Community assessment: Conduct a survey or interviews within the community to assess the need for a community aid post. Identify key areas where the aid post could benefit the community.

2. Community engagement: Hold community meetings or workshops to discuss the idea of establishing a community aid post. Listen to the concerns and suggestions of community members and involve them in the decision-making process.

3. Strategic planning: Develop a detailed plan outlining the objectives, timeline, budget, and resources needed to establish the community aid post. This plan should align with the priorities and goals of the community.

4. Stakeholder involvement: Engage with local government officials, non-profit organizations, and other stakeholders to gain their support and involvement in the project. Seek their input and collaboration to ensure the success of the community aid post.

5. Capacity building: Provide training and resources to community members who will be involved in running the aid post. This could include first aid training, healthcare education, and leadership development.

6. Advocacy and empowerment: Advocate for the importance of the community aid post and empower community members to take ownership of the project. Encourage them to be active participants in the planning and implementation process.

7. Asset mapping: Identify the resources and assets within the community that could support the establishment of the aid post. This could include healthcare professionals, volunteers, and local businesses willing to donate supplies or funding.

8. Needs assessment: Continuously assess the needs of the community to ensure that the services provided by the aid post are meeting the needs of the community members. Adjust the services and programs as needed based on feedback from the community.

9. Collaborative partnerships: Form partnerships with local healthcare providers, government agencies, and other organizations to leverage resources and expertise. Work together to expand the reach and impact of the community aid post.

10. Monitoring and evaluation: Regularly monitor the progress and impact of the community aid post to ensure that it is achieving its goals and objectives. Collect feedback from community members, stakeholders, and partners to evaluate the effectiveness of the aid post and make improvements as necessary.

understanding of inequalities in png context such as socio political-cultural structures and the practice of community refers to

In Papua New Guinea (PNG), there are significant inequalities that exist within the socio-political-cultural structures of the country. These inequalities manifest in various ways and impact the practice of community in PNG. Some examples include:

1. Socioeconomic inequalities: PNG is a diverse country with a wide range of ethnic groups, languages, and cultures. However, there are significant disparities in wealth and access to resources among different communities. Urban areas tend to have better infrastructure, healthcare facilities, and educational opportunities compared to rural and remote areas. This economic inequality can lead to social exclusion and marginalization of certain communities.

2. Political inequalities: PNG has a decentralized political system with significant power vested in local governments and tribal authorities. This can create power imbalances and inequalities within communities, as some groups may have more influence and decision-making authority than others. Political corruption and nepotism can also perpetuate inequalities and undermine the democratic process.

3. Cultural inequalities: PNG is home to a rich tapestry of cultures, traditions, and beliefs. However, certain cultural practices and norms can perpetuate inequalities within communities. For example, gender-based violence and discrimination are prevalent in many parts of the country, limiting the rights and opportunities of women and girls. Cultural taboos and customary practices can also restrict the participation of certain groups in community decision-making processes.

4. Practice of community: In PNG, the concept of community is deeply rooted in traditional customs and kinship systems. Communities are typically organized around extended family networks, clans, and tribes, with strong social ties and reciprocal obligations. However, inequalities within these social structures can lead to exclusion and discrimination based on factors such as gender, age, or socio-economic status. Some community members may have more voice and agency in decision-making processes, while others may be marginalized and disenfranchised.

Understanding and addressing these inequalities in PNG requires a multi-faceted approach that considers the socio-political-cultural dynamics at play. Efforts to promote social justice, human rights, and equality within communities must be informed by an in-depth understanding of the root causes of these inequalities and actively involve marginalized groups in the decision-making process. Community development initiatives that prioritize inclusivity, participation, and empowerment can help to challenge existing power structures and promote more equitable outcomes for all members of society.