I do not understand the purpose or difference between journals and professional papers.

Professional papers are the individual articles (or papers) written by qualified individuals in a particular field.

Professional journals are the publications that choose and print these papers.

Here's one: http://jama.ama-assn.org/

Thank you so much!

Journals and professional papers are both important sources of information in the academic and professional world, but they serve slightly different purposes.

Journals: Journals are regular publications that contain scholarly articles written by experts in a specific field of study. They are typically published by academic or professional organizations and are considered primary sources of information. Journals usually focus on original research, experiments, and academic studies conducted in a particular discipline.

To understand the purpose of journals, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the subject area or topic of interest: Determine the field or subject you are interested in, such as physics, psychology, or sociology.

2. Conduct a literature search: Use academic databases, such as JSTOR, PubMed, or Google Scholar, to find relevant journals in your field. These databases allow you to search for articles based on keywords, authors, or specific journals.

3. Evaluate the journal's credibility: Look for journals that are well-known and respected in your field. Consider factors like the impact factor, which indicates the journal's influence within the academic community, and peer review process, which ensures the quality and reliability of the articles.

4. Access the articles: Once you have identified specific journals, you can access their articles through institutional subscriptions or by purchasing individual articles.

Professional Papers: Professional papers, on the other hand, are often conference proceedings, white papers, technical reports, or other documents written by professionals working in a specific industry or field. While they may contain research findings, they are generally less formal and rigorous compared to journal articles.

To understand the purpose of professional papers, you can follow these steps:

1. Determine the context: Professional papers are often published or presented at conferences, seminars, or industry events related to a specific field or industry.

2. Identify relevant conferences or organizations: Look for conferences or organizations related to your field of interest. Professional papers are frequently published in conference proceedings, trade publications, or other industry-specific outlets.

3. Explore available resources: Visit the websites of relevant conferences, organizations, or industry associations to access their resources or publications sections. They often provide access to professional papers and other relevant documents.

4. Evaluate the content: Assess the credibility and relevance of the presented professional papers. Consider factors such as the reputation of the conference or organization, author expertise, and the accuracy of the information presented.

In summary, journals mainly focus on original research articles, while professional papers can be a variety of documents published by professionals in a specific field. Both serve as valuable sources of information but may have different levels of rigor and formality.