how could the federal government could enact that would reduce the volume of waste by 15%

1. Implement a nationwide ban on single-use plastics, such as straws, bags, and utensils, encouraging the use of reusable or biodegradable alternatives.

2. Establish a mandatory recycling program for businesses and households, making it easier for individuals to sort and dispose of their waste properly.

3. Enforce stricter regulations on manufacturers, requiring them to produce products with minimal packaging or using eco-friendly materials.

4. Invest in and promote composting programs to reduce organic waste and encourage sustainable waste management practices.

5. Offer tax incentives or grants to businesses that adopt sustainable waste reduction practices, such as implementing a waste-reduction plan or utilizing recycled materials in their products.

6. Educate the public on the importance of waste reduction and provide resources for individuals to learn how they can reduce their own waste footprint.

7. Collaborate with local governments and communities to implement programs for recycling and waste reduction, such as community clean-up events or electronic waste recycling drives.

8. Partner with businesses and industries to develop innovative solutions for waste reduction, such as creating circular economy initiatives or implementing zero-waste manufacturing processes.