what code do i put in the make start game end game and submit function right

The code you put in the 'make' function will depend on what type of game you are creating. For example, if you are creating a simple text-based game, you might want to create a function that initializes the game state and sets up any necessary variables.

In the 'start' function, you would typically include code that displays the game interface to the player, such as a graphics window or text prompts. You might also initialize any game objects or variables that are needed at the beginning of the game.

In the 'end' function, you would include code that wraps up the game, such as displaying a game over message or calculating the final score. You might also include code to clean up any game objects or variables that are no longer needed.

In the 'submit' function, you would typically include code that processes the player's input and updates the game state accordingly. This might involve checking if the player's input is valid, updating the player's score, or advancing the game to the next level.

Overall, the code in these functions will vary depending on the specifics of your game, so it's important to carefully plan and design your game mechanics before writing the code for these functions.

tell me all 3 codes to add

Here are examples of simplified code snippets that you could use for the 'make', 'start', and 'submit' functions in a text-based game:

- 'make' function:

def make_game():
game_state = {
'score': 0,
'level': 1
return game_state

- 'start' function:

def start_game():
print("Welcome to the Game!")
print("Level 1")

- 'submit' function:

def submit_answer(game_state, answer):
if answer == "correct":
game_state['score'] += 10
print("Correct! Current Score:", game_state['score'])
print("Incorrect! Try again.")
return game_state

These are just simplified examples, and you would need to customize the code based on the specific requirements of your game. You can expand upon these functions to include more game logic, user interactions, error handling, and other features needed for your game to be fully functional.