A Daughter’s Love

L. Han

Once upon a time, a man named Olaf was hunting a deer to feed his family. He followed the animal to a strange part of the woods that was completely quiet. This made Olaf afraid, and he was just about to turn around when the wicked Queen of the Forest appeared, her fiery eyes flashing.

“This is my land!” she bellowed. “Trespassers must be punished, so I command you to be my servant for the rest of your days!”

A bolt of light shot out from the queen’s hand and enveloped the hunter, putting him under her spell.

When Olaf did not return home that evening, his wife sent their daughter, Sigrid, to search for him. A bluebird, who knew the hunter was a kind man, showed Sigrid the way to the queen’s home.

Sigrid hid behind a tree and watched the wicked queen ordering her father to fetch firewood.

“How do I break the spell?” she asked.

“There is only one way,” said the bluebird. “Only love is stronger than the queen’s powers.”

Sigrid thanked the bird, and then she stepped bravely into the clearing.

“Who goes there?” shouted the queen.

Sigrid spoke, her voice shaking. “Please, let my dear father go, and I will serve you in his place. I am strong, and I will work hard.”

In a flash, the light surrounding her father disappeared, and he could move freely. Before the queen could cast another spell, he grabbed Sigrid’s hand, and the two escaped.

Super Siblings
L. Han

Alma was known all across Spain for her amazing ears. She could even hear a colony of ants building their home on the other side of town.

One day, Alma cupped her ear and heard someone crying, “Help!” As she listened harder, she realized it was her older brother, Raphael. He was a powerful man who could lift 300-pound fish with one hand. It sounded as if he had fallen out of his fishing boat in a storm and was swimming for his life.

Quickly, Alma summoned her younger brother, Alberto, from next door. He was the fastest runner in all the land. When he heard Alma’s news, he ran at top speed to the seashore to find Raphael. Though it was 10 miles away, he arrived in less than a minute. On his way, he had picked up his other sister, Ofelia, who was the world's greatest swimmer and had crossed all the world's oceans several times. Once at the shore, Ofelia spotted her brother's boat and dove in.

Not long after, Raphael lay panting on the beach. “If it weren’t for you, I would not have made it,” he said to Ofelia.

“It is Alberto you must thank,” she said humbly.

“No,” Alberto replied, “it is really Alma.”

“It is all of you,” Raphael said gratefully, and he lay back on the sand and smiled.

The siblings embraced each other, realizing that together they were unstoppable. They each had unique talents that, when combined, made them an unbeatable team.

From that day on, the four siblings worked together to help those in need in their community. Whether it was rescuing lost animals, helping with construction projects, or solving complex problems, they were always there for each other and for others.

Their bond was unbreakable, and their love for each other shone brightly in everything they did. They were known as the Super Siblings, and their story spread far and wide across the land, inspiring others to come together and help one another in times of need.

And so, with their unique talents and unwavering love for each other, Alma, Raphael, Alberto, and Ofelia continued to make the world a better place one day at a time.

Both “A Daughter’s Love” and “Super Siblings” deal with the topic of—

A Magic ability used for bad purposesMagic ability used for bad purposes
B Being unwilling to take all the creditBeing unwilling to take all the credit
C Helping someone who is in troubleHelping someone who is in trouble
D Family members who are also super heroes

C Helping someone who is in trouble