what is the best way toi end the feature articel out of the 4 sentence

"In the pursuit of easy success and immediate gratification, we risk losing sight of the true power and potential of technology. Let us not forget that true progress lies in our ability to harness technology for the betterment of all, rather than allowing it to control us."
"As technology becomes increasingly pervasive and controlled by a select few, it is imperative that we remember the importance of balance and accountability. Only then can we ensure that technology serves humanity rather than controlling it."
"Ultimately, the control of technology rests in our hands. We must choose whether to allow it to dictate our lives or to harness its potential for positive change. In the face of growing control and manipulation, our ability to resist and demand transparency becomes paramount."
"The future of technology lies in our ability to wrestle control from those who seek to dominate and manipulate it for their own gain. Let us strive for a future where technology empowers rather than enslaves, where innovation serves the common good rather than narrow interests."

"The future of technology lies in our ability to wrestle control from those who seek to dominate and manipulate it for their own gain. Let us strive for a future where technology empowers rather than enslaves, where innovation serves the common good rather than narrow interests."