Describe the economic impact of the development of terrorism

A. Disruption of industries such as tourism, transportation, and finance, resulting in loss of reve opportunities.
B. Growth of the defense industry and expansion of surveillance technologies, boosting certain economy.
C. Introduction of insurance policies and risk assessment strategies, contributing to rising costs and consumers.
D. Increased investment in security measures and defense spending, leading to higher government expenditures.

E. Decreased foreign investment and business confidence, affecting overall economic growth and development.

F. Rising costs of security measures and insurance premiums, reducing profitability for businesses and increasing financial burdens.
G. Displacement of populations and destruction of infrastructure, leading to long-term economic challenges and reconstruction costs.
H. Impact on global trade and supply chains, as increased security measures and risks disrupt the flow of goods and services.
I. Loss of jobs and income for individuals in industries affected by terrorism, leading to increased poverty and economic instability.