Look up the actual distance between the two cities miami,Florida and Portland, Oregon(include your source). Calculate the percentage of error in your calculation and comment on how accurate it is and possible sources of error. Consider why your online source might be less or more accurate than your calculation (2 points).

My calculation between the two cities is
2,861.51 is the distance between the two cities.
but the actual distance is 3,256 miles driving
so calculate the percentage of error

Percentage of error = |3256 - 2861.51| / 3256 * 100

= 394.49 / 3256 * 100
≈ 12.10%

The percentage of error in my calculation is approximately 12.10%. This indicates that my calculation is not very accurate, as there is a significant difference between the actual distance between Miami, Florida, and Portland, Oregon and my calculated distance.

Possible sources of error in my calculation include inputting incorrect information into the calculation formula, rounding errors, or using an inaccurate formula altogether.

The online source may be more accurate than my calculation as it likely uses precise algorithms and data from reliable sources. They may also consider factors such as road closures, traffic conditions, and optimal routes which may affect the distance calculation. However, the online source may be less accurate if it is based on outdated or incorrect data.