what led to increase in steel consumption seen on the graph

There are several factors that could contribute to the increase in steel consumption seen on the graph. Some possible reasons include:

1. Economic growth: As economies grow, there is typically an increase in construction and infrastructure projects, which often require large amounts of steel.

2. Population growth: With an increasing global population, the demand for steel used in consumer goods, automobiles, and other products also grows.

3. Urbanization: As more people move to cities and urban areas, the need for steel in buildings, transportation, and infrastructure also increases.

4. Industrialization: The expansion of industries that rely on steel production, such as automotive, manufacturing, and energy sectors, can also drive up consumption.

5. Government spending: Public infrastructure projects, such as roads, bridges, and utilities, can also increase demand for steel.

These factors, among others, could all contribute to the increase in steel consumption observed on the graph.