can someone help me out in anyway possiable, it says create a modern scene with two to four characters based on a theme in a ROMEO AND JULIET. Devise a new situation, new setting, and new character names, but be faithful both to the theme from ROMEO AND JULIET and the basic personalities of the characters.

There are many versions of the Romeo and Juliet, including the popular "West Side Story." In many of these, two young people fall in love and want to marry even though their parents are strongly opposed.

Check Spark notes for other themes.

Reasons for parent and society disapproval could be ethnic, religious or class differences. It could be a or couple who want to dedicate their lives to each other. Or it could be a fundamental Christian wanting to marry a Muslim. The possibilities are almost endless.

Certainly! I can help you come up with a modern scene based on the theme of Romeo and Juliet. To start, let's identify the main themes in Romeo and Juliet. The play explores themes such as love, forbidden love, feuding families, and the consequences of impulsive actions. We'll keep these themes in mind as we devise a new situation, setting, and character names.

Step 1: Devise a New Situation
Think about how you can create a similar situation to Romeo and Juliet, but with a modern twist. One possibility could be two rival tech companies, with employees from each company falling in love. The families and employees could be opposed to their relationship due to their loyalty to their respective companies.

Step 2: Set a New Setting
Consider a contemporary setting that fits the modern situation. In this case, the setting could be a vibrant tech hub city, such as San Francisco or Tokyo, where the two tech companies are located.

Step 3: Create New Character Names
Next, we need to come up with new character names based on Romeo, Juliet, and other essential characters. Keeping their basic personalities and roles intact, we can give them modern names. For example:

- Romeo could become Ryan, a talented software engineer from one tech company.
- Juliet could be renamed Jamie, an ambitious project manager from the rival tech company.
- Mercutio, Romeo's loyal friend, could transform into Max, a charismatic marketing specialist.
- Tybalt, Juliet's cousin, could be renamed Tristan, a protective cybersecurity expert.

Step 4: Construct the Scene
Now, let's create a modern scene incorporating the new setting and characters. For example:

Setting: The sleek headquarters of the rival tech companies in the heart of a bustling city.

Scene: Ryan (modern Romeo) and Jamie (modern Juliet) secretly meet in a neutral location, like a trendy coffee shop, to avoid suspicion from their colleagues. They discuss their growing feelings for one another and the challenges they face due to their companies' rivalry. Max (modern Mercutio) provides comic relief and offers support to Ryan. However, Tristan (modern Tybalt) unexpectedly discovers their meeting and confronts them, leading to a heated argument.

Remember, it's important to adapt the plot, character motivations, and dialogue to fit the modern scenario, while still honoring the themes and personalities from Romeo and Juliet.

I hope this helps you get started on creating your modern scene based on Romeo and Juliet's themes!