The Lighthouse at Honfleur by George Seurat.

To create this lighthouse scene the artist:

A. Used organic shapes to create the boat.
B. Used the geometric shapes to create the lighthouse and buildings
C. Could not reference recognizable shapes to create this image
D. Used cubism to create the entire scene

B. Used geometric shapes to create the lighthouse and buildings

B. Used geometric shapes to create the lighthouse and buildings.

To determine the correct answer, we can analyze the style and techniques commonly used by George Seurat, as well as examine the artwork itself, "The Lighthouse at Honfleur."

George Seurat was a French painter known for his use of a technique called Pointillism, where small dots or points of color are applied to the canvas to create the overall image. This technique involved careful planning and precision.

Now, let's turn our attention to "The Lighthouse at Honfleur." By examining the painting, we can observe the shapes used by the artist.

In this artwork, the boat appears with more rounded and curved forms, which aligns with organic shapes. Organic shapes are irregular and more natural in appearance, resembling forms found in nature.

On the other hand, the lighthouse and buildings exhibit more precise, straight lines and angles, akin to geometric shapes. Geometric shapes are regular and well-defined, often associated with man-made objects and structures.

Based on this analysis, we can conclude that the correct answer is B. George Seurat used geometric shapes to create the lighthouse and buildings in "The Lighthouse at Honfleur," while organic shapes were used to depict the boat.