Out of the three goals of the Carter: center, peace, disease and hope, which do you think is most important? Why?

It is subjective as to which goal is most important as all three are significant in their own right. However, if I had to choose, I would say that peace is the most important goal.

Peace is the foundation for progress and development in all other aspects of society. Without peace, it is difficult to focus on issues such as disease and hope. Conflict and turmoil can hinder efforts to address these issues and create obstacles to achieving sustainable solutions.

Additionally, peace is a fundamental human right that is essential for promoting equality, justice, and prosperity for all individuals and communities. It allows for collaboration, cooperation, and the sharing of resources and knowledge to tackle challenges such as disease and poverty.

Therefore, while all three goals are important, peace is the overarching goal that paves the way for the realization of the other objectives.