For this question, you will be arguing that health care in the United States should be free and funded by the government. **It does not matter whether this is your actual opinion.** (In fact, this question may be easier if it isn't your opinion. So, apologies to the students who do agree with the prompt.) Your audience will be people who believe that we should maintain a private healthcare system in the US. Your audience believes that it is an individual's responsibility to obtain health care, not the government's role to provide it. Your audience believes that government funded health care would decrease the quality and availability of health care, hurt the economy, and would be more expensive than the current private health care system. You need to choose the arguments and supporting details that will be most convincing to your audience. If your personal opinion is that healthcare in the US should be free, do not choose the arguments and supporting details that are most convincing to you. You must think only about your audience.

providing government funded health care would benefit the economy

start with this "one agreement that would be conving to my audience is providing government funded health care would benefit the economy." it would convince them to change their minds because...

One reason providing government-funded healthcare would benefit the economy is by reducing healthcare costs for businesses. Currently, many businesses provide health insurance for their employees, which can be a significant financial burden. By shifting the responsibility of healthcare coverage to the government, businesses would save money on insurance premiums and be able to allocate those funds towards growing their business, hiring more employees, or increasing wages.

Furthermore, government-funded healthcare would lead to a healthier population overall. When individuals have access to affordable healthcare, they are more likely to seek preventative care and treatment for illnesses. This can result in a more productive workforce, as employees will have fewer sick days and be able to perform better at their jobs. A healthier population can also reduce healthcare costs in the long run, as preventative care is typically less expensive than emergency room visits or prolonged hospital stays.

Additionally, providing universal healthcare can level the playing field for small businesses. Currently, larger corporations are able to negotiate lower healthcare rates for their employees due to their size and bargaining power. This puts smaller businesses at a disadvantage, as they may not be able to afford the same level of coverage for their employees. Government-funded healthcare would ensure that all businesses, regardless of size, are able to provide the same level of healthcare benefits to their employees.

Overall, providing government-funded healthcare would benefit the economy by reducing costs for businesses, creating a healthier and more productive workforce, and leveling the playing field for businesses of all sizes. It is a smart investment in the future of our economy and the well-being of our citizens.