Write 2 introductions and 2 thesis statements for the following topic; discuss two causes of family conflict and two subsequent impacts.

Introduction 1:

Family conflict is a common issue that many families face, often resulting in negative consequences for all involved. In this paper, we will explore two major causes of family conflict and their impact on the individuals and the family unit as a whole.

Introduction 2:
Family conflict can arise from a variety of sources, leading to tension and strained relationships among family members. By examining the root causes of family conflict and understanding its impact, we can work towards resolving these issues and strengthening family bonds.

Thesis statement 1:
Two major causes of family conflict include financial stress and communication breakdowns, which can result in emotional distress and long-lasting effects on family dynamics.

Thesis statement 2:
Family conflict often stems from differences in values and expectations, as well as unresolved conflicts from the past, leading to decreased trust and a breakdown in relationships among family members.